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Seamlessly Relocate
Key Employees to the U.S.

​The L-1 visa category allows multinational companies to transfer executives, managers, and specialized knowledge employees from their foreign offices to their U.S. branches or affiliates.


If your company is looking to expand its operations in the United States, the L-1 visa can provide a streamlined pathway for bringing essential personnel to the U.S.  

L-1A vs. L-1B
Understanding the Key Differences

L-1A Visa (Managers and Executives):

  • For employees who hold a managerial or executive position within the company.

  • Managerial capacity involves overseeing the organization, department, subdivision, function, or component of the company.

  • Executive capacity involves directing the management of the organization or a major component or function of the organization.

  • Initial stay of up to 3 years, with possible extensions up to a maximum of 7 years.

L-1B Visa (Specialized Knowledge Employees):


  • For employees with specialized knowledge of the company's products, services, research, equipment, techniques, management, or other interests.  

  • This knowledge must be advanced and proprietary to the company.

  • Initial stay of up to 3 years, with possible extensions up to a maximum of 5 years.

Why Choose Us:


Bсё Bключено

Мы не взимаем дополнительную плату за бизнес-планы, маркетинговые исследования, регистрацию, договоры купли-продажи, кредитные договоры или прогнозы прибыли. Все включено в ваш пакет. ​​


Нацеленный на результат

Когда вы регистрируетесь как наш клиент, мы обрабатываем Запрос на доказательства (RFE) и Уведомление о намерении отклонить (NOID) без дополнительных затрат.


Индивидуальный подход

Мы понимаем, что каждое иммиграционное дело уникально. Мы уделяем время, чтобы выслушать вашу историю, понять ваши цели и разработать индивидуальный план, соответствующий вашим конкретным потребностям.

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The L-1 Visa Process:


Establish a Qualifying Relationship:

The U.S. and foreign entities must have a qualifying relationship, such as parent company, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.


File Form I-129:

The U.S. employer files Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).


Obtain Approval:

Upon approval, the employee can apply for an L-1 visa at a U.S. consulate abroad or, if already in the U.S. in a different status, apply for a change of status to L-1.


Relocate to the U.S.:

The employee can then enter the U.S. and begin working for the U.S. entity.

Lucas C.

"Вся команда Investor Visas обладает глубокими познаниями в иммиграционном праве. Они предвидели трудности и умело справлялись с ними, что привело к одобрению моей визы. Я благодарен за их руководство и настоятельно рекомендую Investor Visas для иммиграционных услуг."

Max G.

"С самого начала он тщательно управлял каждым шагом процесса. Благодаря его опыту мы гордимся тем, что сегодня являемся гражданами США. Мы искренне благодарны за его поддержку и настоятельно рекомендуем Джеймса Рута всем, кому нужен квалифицированный иммиграционный адвокат"

Anton S.

"Все было сделано точно в срок и без дополнительных затрат. Джеймс не только отлично справился с моим делом, но и дал мне много хороших советов по вопросам медицинского страхования, получения водительских прав и других важных иммиграционных вопросов"

Our Expert L-1 Visa Legal Services:

Our experienced immigration attorneys will guide you through every step of the L-1 visa process, ensuring a smooth and successful transfer of your key employees.

Evaluation at Desk

Case Evaluation

Assess your company's eligibility and the employee's qualifications for the L-1 visa.


Business Meeting at a Cafe

Communication with USCIS

Handle all communication and inquiries from USCIS on your behalf.​

Filling Out Tax Form

Petition Preparation

Meticulously prepare and file Form I-129, ensuring all requirements are met.

Sales Agent

Ongoing Support

Provide continued guidance throughout the process, including assistance with extensions and changes of status.

Keeping accounts

Supporting Documentation

Gather and organize all necessary supporting documentation, including evidence of the qualifying relationship, the employee's qualifications, and the U.S. entity's ability to pay the employee's salary.

Desk Globe

Facilitate Your Global Expansion with Confidence

If your company is seeking to transfer key employees to the U.S., contact us today for a consultation.

Sample L-1 Case

A talented marketing executive from São Paulo, Brazil, dreamed of furthering her career in the United States. After several successful years with a leading marketing agency in Brazil, she was offered a transfer to her company's U.S. branch.

Eager to embrace this opportunity, she decided to pursue an L-1 visa, a pathway that allows international companies to transfer employees to their U.S. offices. She sought guidance from our immigration attorneys to navigate the process.


Our team assisted her in preparing the required documentation, highlighting her role and qualifications within the company. After submitting the application, she received the exciting news that her L-1 visa was approved.

This enabled her to relocate to the U.S. and assume her new role, where she quickly made a positive impact on her team. Her story showcases how ambition and the right support can pave the way for exciting career advancements in a new country.

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2829 Townsgate Road, Suite 100

Westlake Village, CA 91361


+ 1 (818) 233-0308




+ 1 (818) 233-0308

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